An illustration for magazine cover
'Kaunas Full of Culture'
(Kaunas pilnas kultūros)
That is a great project dedicated for the second of the largest cities in Lithuania - Kaunas. One of the forms to reveal the face of city is a magazine. The aim of this edition is to introduce people with the life of Kaunas' culture in various aspects. All local citizens, guests are able to find this magazine in many places of the city, to get it in free and to know all cultural news very simply. This beautiful and useful initiative let people know more about Kaunas and to find out more about the unique character of the city.
'Dancing Dragons'
(Šokantys drakonai)
An illustration 'Dancing dragons' was specially created for the cover of magazine. It illustrates a subject of an edition — dance and introduces local citizens and guests with the culture of this expression of art in Kaunas. The narrative is taking a place in a cozy magic forest. There are living many of unseen creatures. Ones of them are small dragons, with wings of leaves and the bodies of wood. They are very lively and feel the sound deeply. Also, there is living a small Wooden Girl. She takes a care of dragons and other creatures of the woods as well. Time after time Moss whales appear among trees and swim in the air slowly, slowly... There is no any rush. The sunlight goes through the trees, its soft light and warm achieves the meadow full of blueberries and gently touches dancing dragons in palms of Wooden girl.
I am grateful for the authors of the project for inviting me to create an illustration for the magazine cover.
I hope, that this drawing will achieve a perceiver and move his minds though for a few of minutes in magical woods.
Let me to introduce You to illustration, its details and how it was created step by step.
The final illustration. Both sides of the cover.

Detail of the first side:
the complete composition of the first side, with blue moss whale, Wooden girl and dancing dragons.
Wooden Girl is on of the main characters of the illustration. She is like a symbol of nature which takes care of everyone who is alive. Her hair are like a feathers, and eyebrows are thin branches with berries. She is calm and concentraited, watching what is happening in her palms.
Dancing dragons are a quite small cute creatures of the forest. They have many wings of red leaves and bodies of wood.
These characters take the main role in illustration.

Detail of the second side:
a full composition of the second side of the cover. Big moss whale, soft light and transparent shadow lying down on the meadow. All these graphic elements create a cozy view and brings warm emotions.
Moss Whales are ones of the most unique characters of this illustration. These creatures are rarely seen in the forest. But sometimes, when the sunlight appears and meadows of blueberries are melting in the light, they swim in the air among the trees slowly without any rush.

Some details of the drawing process and fragments of the final work created using a traditional drawing technique-graphite.
(The first side of the cover)
(The first side of the cover)

Details of the process.
(The second side of the cover)

A short video which presents how the illustration was colored and the final result achieved.
A few details of the magazine — a small size with huge ideas inside.

Thanks for watching this project! | Ačiū!