De planeta novo viridis_
The New Green Planet
​​​​​​​Just imagine...
A planet similar to our Earth was found...
The first question comes to a mind: does it fit for living?
This conceptual art work was created to extend an imagination and to find new planes for artistic expression and feelings it brings.
The visual narrative is told by four illustration. It reveals a discovery and a research of a New Green Planet. In order to tell this conceptual story, there were created these objects: a spacecraft, compass of stars, special vessel for water and finally — a mobile flying lab for the research to make an answer is the planet fit for living.

The main value of this personal project was a creative process: a combination of digital painting and digital drawing, an improvement of a sense of colors and materials, creating all that in 2D digital graphic field.

In order to reveal the thinking narrative better, an involute of visual development was created to each object showing how it was designed step by step: from concept to purpose, from outside to inside, from shape to function, from global view of a form to details and their design aesthetics.

There was a great opportunity to combine skills of illustration and logical design thinking and also to feel this conceptual project like it was a real.

I. Spatium lucis_ A Light of Space​​​​​​​
II. Stella circuitum_A Compass of Stars
III. Aqua flos_A Flower of Water
IV. Volantem laboratorium_A Flying Lab
All objects together.
A unity of design, graphic details, style.
A difference of light, surroundings, emotion it forms.
Every aspect takes an important place creating an illustration which involves and 
catches the mind for the moment.

Thanks for watching this project!  |  AČIŪ !

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