we do not rush —
we start to see
Each picture was created without any rush, by feeling and being in every stroke of a brush using the watercolor. That could be called as a therapy of art, which lets to forget the hurry of today. And it happens very often around us. Why because I believe, that who will look at these cards, stop for awhile and unawares will start to study the pallete of hues, forms, he will begin to recognize plants. All these plants become so similar because of rush.
These cards are dedicated for human.
For his eyes and soul.
This project was created specially for an action of donation. Its aim is to gather an aid for “Rugutė”. This foundation already exists more than 14 years. Its mission is to help to survive for children who have a cancer.
Brandtracker.lt - Lietuvos kūrėjai has invited all the brands, artists and other creators from Lithuania to become a part of this action and to sell their works in a special auction.
I am glad to be a part of this social project.
neskubam —
pradedam matyti
Darbai atlikti neskubant, įsijaučiant ir išgyvenant kiekvieną potėpį akvarele. Tai galima vadinti savita meno terapija, leidžiančia užmiršti šiandienos skubėjimą. O jis aplink. Todėl tikiu, kad tas, kuris žvelgs į atvirukus, trumpam stabtels, nejučiomis pradės tyrinėti atspalvius, formas, atpažinti vaizduojamus augalus, kurie per kasdienį skubėjimą lieka nepastebėti,
tampa panašūs vieni į kitus dėl vaizdinio chaoso.
Tai atvirukai žmogui.
Jo akims ir sielai.
Šis projektas sukurtas specialiai aukojimo akcijai, kurios tikslas — surinkti kuo didesnę paramą „Rugutės“ fondui, kurie jau 14 metų dirba padėdami vaikams sergantiems onkologinėmis ligomis.
Brandtracker.lt - Lietuvos kūrėjai pakvietė Lietuvos kūrėjus teikti savo kūrinius aukcionui, kurio metu surinktos lėšos bus skiriamos tiems, kuriems labiausiai jų reikia.
Džiaugiuosi, galėdama prisidėti prie šio socialinio projekto.
The box (envelope with border).

The whole set is made of the box, ten cards and one card with a short text about an idea.

There were selected these plants to illustrate:
blueberries, cranberries, rowan, juniper, sea buckthorn, honeysuckle, strawberries, raspberries, prickly barberry and blackberries. Some of these berries look very similar. But do not rush, please, and take a look at these plants closer.

All cards one by one.
— The intro card. —

— Blueberries —

— Cranberries —

— Rowan —

— Juniper —

— Sea buckthorn —

— Honeysuckle —

— Strawberries —

— Raspberries —

— Prickly barberry —

— Blackberries —

Some compositions of all cards.

Some details of the process.
How an each card was born.
That was a great experience for me, full of intuition, music, and feeling.
There is nowhere to rush.
How an each card was born.
That was a great experience for me, full of intuition, music, and feeling.
There is nowhere to rush.
Just see how the color meets color and a drawing turns into painting.

The box and its construction and graphic details.

Finally — all cards inside the box.

Thank You for watching this project.