The Lithuanian language is one of the oldest languages in the world. It belongs to a family of the Baltic languages.
The first version of the Lithuanian alphabet was created about 500 years ago, by Martynas Mažvydas — an author of the first Lithuanian book 'Katekizmas' (1547). On that time there were used 23 letters. Later letters with the special diacritical signs were added and the first one of them was letter 'ė'. It is the most unique letter of all and you could not find it in any other languages.
The Lithuanian alphabet is made of 32 letters: 12 vowel letters and 20 consonants.
I love letters. They have original forms, every of them has a special design and character.
Letter is like a human. And like the human, it has its anatomy.
In this project my aim was to combine a writing and a drawing, finding the face of each letter and making it as an illustration.
It was a great practice for me to reveal a character of each sign, to create it as a subject with an emotion and the individual portrait.
I am glad sharing this experiences with you.
The beginning: some details of the process, creating the character of letters.

A whole alphabet of letters with faces.

Each letter from closer look.

Several words which show how letter communicate with each other.

Ačiū ! | Thanks for watching this project !