A PERSONAL CARD for me always was a special presentable object of graphic design.
An inspiration to create white handmade double-sided PERSONAL cards without using
An inspiration to create white handmade double-sided PERSONAL cards without using
any pf digital graphic and print came out of my own attitude to art and to return to handmade creativity.
In this way art object becomes even more eco-friendly, individual, unrepeatable and
In this way art object becomes even more eco-friendly, individual, unrepeatable and
get more importance to an artist and to a perceiver.
AN IDEA is to fill up this set with new cards time after time parallely with my discoveries in creativity field.
One side of card reveals a visual narrative of my MENTAL and VISUAL perception
where the main inspiration of each stroke is NATURE ans a sense it brings.
The general contact information is written on the other side of each card.
The general contact information is written on the other side of each card.
A personal card is a significant item.
Small but it can tell A LOT about its owner.
I hope, You'll find out something MORE ABOUT ME looking at this series of cards.
A whole set of cards closer.

This set of cards is like a visual short story about me. You can find out more about my visual thinking in one side and some contact information — on the other side of cards.

More about each card, what it tells.
Three first cards were inspired by lovely apple-tree.

These two cards bellow reveal a texture of wood — an abstractive drawing and its free flow.

A grass.

Another interpretation of grass, which comes out of my own creativity and how I stylize it in illustrations.

The rain and its delicate movement down and up.

A stylization of the moss. That is one of my most favorite motives.

Stones. The most minimalist and light drawing in this set.

A motive which appears in my illustrations very often. And now it has appeared on one of my cards.

An inspiration of sea stones.

A bent. An unique plant for me which beauty reveals in simplicity.

Berries. I could not imagine a set of cards without them:)

A little branch with moss. It reminds me a time when I started to look closer at these object of nature and to find a strong inspiration for creativity.

A personal card should create an impression, leave a feeling. I hope, that these card did so.

Thanks for watching this project! | Ačiū!