There was a time, when mythical beings took care of the land.
Five goddesses, five sisters looked after seas, meadows, mountains, winds and sky.
All together they were responsible for harmony in land, for creating and keeping a life.
And it lasts until today...
Five goddesses, five sisters looked after seas, meadows, mountains, winds and sky.
All together they were responsible for harmony in land, for creating and keeping a life.
And it lasts until today...

This project composed of five characters is like a jewelry of a graphite pencil drawing.
Many of details create a visual language which tells the story of each goddess.
Many of details create a visual language which tells the story of each goddess.
The creating process was like an art therapy, as a time of meditation.
Finally, an each drawing becomes a reason to stop for the moment and to dip
into dots, strokes, lines and to hear what all that tells.
Mountains were always the highest on the Earth surface and the closest by the sky. Their tops were drowned in clouds and reached stars. The Goddess of Mountains took care of these creatures of nature. She liked to look into the distance almost the whole day and feel the fresh air above the mountains white snow-covered hats. She strived to keep mountains taller and taller. The goddess believed that mountains were a connection part of the harmony between the land and the sky.

Some details of the birth of Goddess.

In old times seas took a great part of the surface. That was a home of vast variety unseen creatures. The goddess looked after the whole underwater world and all these living beings. She was the oldest goddess of all. She knew that the sea was a beginning of the birth of everything what was alive on the Earth and aimed to save it and keep that forever.

Some details of the birth of Goddess.

The meadow is a magic place. It is full of small creatures, plants. Meadows take an important place to ensure the harmony and beauty of the Earth. The Goddess of Meadows is one of the smallest goddesses and is a bit taller than a wild bent. She walks barefoot all day and feels the smallest part of the meadow. The goddess adoreses the sun which lets to grow and spread meadows even more.

Some details of the birth of Goddess.

The world of sky is the most not experienced and unknown until nowadays. It contains many secrets. That is a kingdom of magic living beings which was created by stars and are immortal. This part of the universe belongs to Goddess of Sky. She is the most mysterious goddess: her hat is full of starts and a place where they are sleeping during a day, her hands are able to wake up even a stones and she speaks without any words. The sky wraps around all the Earth. For this reason, the goddess is able to see everything what happens below and to take care partly of mountains, seas and meadows.

Some details of the birth of Goddess.

Winds forms a shape of mountains, a wide of seas, a spread of meadows and a face of the sky. The wind could be cold or warm, strong or weak, rough or very soft. It has many of characters and the Goddess of Winds take care of its equilibrium. She looks after birds of winds. And only when they grow wings, they can fly and reach a part of the Earth which is needed their help. The Goddess of Winds is a youngest one and is the most agile as well.

Some details of the birth of Goddess.

I hope, this project will inspire someone just to enjoy creating.
Thanks for watching!
--- AČIŪ! ---