'Veggo' — now it is well known brand of vegetarian food in my country.
I am happy being a part of the team and implementing ideas which reach every consumer.
I am happy being a part of the team and implementing ideas which reach every consumer.
Ingredients are one of the main aspects what involves me each time to get start in a veggo creative process.
This time a task was to create four illustrations for the cashew cheese: original, with chili and wild garlic, mint, truffles.
This time a task was to create four illustrations for the cashew cheese: original, with chili and wild garlic, mint, truffles.
It was really a good practice for me to find the wider range of colors, their hues, combinations and improve illustrative skills even better.
Thanks for Veggo team for the trust very much.
Illustration 1. Cashew cheese. ORIGINAL

Illustration 2. Cashew cheese. WITH CHILI AND WILD GARLIC

Illustration 3. Cashew cheese. WITH MINT

Illustration 4. Cashew cheese. WITH TRUFFLES

All illustrations in smaller size. (That is almost the original size of their use.)

The process. The linear version of illustrations.

Firstly, all drawings were created with ink pen. For this reason, the line becomes more natural and dynamic. This concept I am keeping form the beginning of collaboration with 'Veggo' (2018).

Thanks for Your attention! | Ačiū!